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Get involved by providing items for our Heritage Closet, Rhythm Station, Literacy Chest, or office. Take a look at our list below. If there is an item that you would like to provide, please contact Heritage Works at (313) 438-2800, or email us at

For our Heritage Closet

  • T-shirts – Various colors

    25 needed
    Participants cut, tie and bead t-shirts, creating their warm-up, field trip and performance wear.

  • African Fabric/Cloth

    96 yards needed
    Cloth will be used for both personal adornment and set design activities.

  • Jewelry supplies

    25 needed
    Jewelry supplies include African Beads, pony beads, leather rope, craft scissors

  • Dance Wear/Costumes

    25 sets needed
    Dancewear includes Lycra shorts and tops, and a lapa (traditional wraparound skirt) or pants.

For the Rhythm Station

  • Drum Sticks

    25 pairs needed

  • Drum Pails

    25 pails donated by The Henry Ford
    Drum lessons begin on plastic drum pails. Students play, personalize and learn drum etiquette at this stage.

  • Djembe Drums

    15 needed
    Musician-quality Djembe drums are needed for daily drum workshops, providing high-quality instruments for youth use.

  • Dundun Drums

    3 sets or 9 needed
    The Djembe family of drums includes Dundun drums, a set of 3 drums that includes the kenkeni, sangbeni, and Dundun.

  • Cow Bells

    10 bells

  • Baliphones

    4 needed
    Similar to a xylophone but made from natural wood and small gourds, Baliphones vary in sizes and are key to teaching and re-creating traditional songs and rhythms.

  • Drum Skins and rope

    for: Djembes, Dunduns, Sabar Drums, and Kutiro drums

For the Literacy Chest

  • Reading Book Set

    25 needed,
    Our current books include The Penguin's Guide to Modern African Poetry and the Mali Epic of King Sundiata Keita.

  • World Maps, African continent maps, Country Maps (Senegal, Mali, Congo, S. Africa)

    25 needed
    Classroom and individual maps are needed.

  • Journals

    Participants record their day's itinerary, reflections and experiences personal interpretation (e.g. reflections, poetry) for the final presentation.

For the Heritage Home

  • Permanent Studio Space:

    Office and program space in the same place

  • Permanent Performance space

Transportation/Travel Wish Items:

  • Minivan
  • 8 round trip tickets
  • 32 hotel nights

Office Supplies:

  • IBM Lexmark Wheel writer Typewriter
  • High-resolution Scanner
  • High capacity copier
  • Voice Plus All-In-One Digital Voice Recorder Solution
  • Portable LCD Projector
  • McGregor Logo
  • MM Fisher Foundation